Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Back to school,and was a boring day-.-
back in class,nth to do so was like rotting,staring in the air...
if there wasn't english oral,i think i would be at home relaxing...
after school went for a hair cut =))
lazy to post liao...
ciao ciao
8:02 AM
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
prepared for the worste =(
6:36 AM
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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Chinese exam sucks to the core!!
don't understand the letter writing question then keep on ask wei quan but still didt get it-.-
prepared to fail bah=(
after school went jp library study with joyce and mackey..
then father came fetch me home=))
acturlly wanted to go bl then find nu er de,but vernis msg me ask me to meet her cause she very shagged..sorry nuer =((
went 260 there accompany her..stupid girl.
slacked till 3+go home orh orh...
went jp meet weijing,songjian and etc..
then yongfu came after his dragonboat training...
saw ahlong,kumfei,xiaoxiang and cheewei then at jp walkwalk...
after that we all went kunlong house find him...the mummy,lol..
then to jp again to watch -THE UNINVITED-
what a ''nice'' show...every1 came out of the cinema like siansian de,haha
then cabbed to bl with kunlong and chris..
went 207 find shaun and songjian and edwin..
every1 has a nick name for the orh bin dai seh..
ah bui-don
ah huat-terry
slacked there until rain stop then we all went 496 eat n find friends..
ah long fetch me there=))
ming hua suggested go shaun's gina chalet,o.o
and its alr 4+...
so ok lo...then kl not goin then shaun came..
then me,ahlong,cheewei,xiaoxiang,kumfei,minghua,ahhuat and shaun went the chalet..
half way at AYE,it started to rain again-.-DAM BIG ah...lol
otw kena shoot shoot shoot by the rain,pain sioo...
reach there go find his chalet..then xiaoxiang lead.
Went in the chalet he say
xiaoxiang:WA so many sand ah,WA so many people ah,
then he turn back asked shaun's gina got go in wrong room mah!!lol
then everyone laughed so loud,haha..joker
then stand outside there talk talk..then went in the chalet disturb ppl =x
around 7+ or 8+ we jiu went home ler..
ah long fetched me back home again =)) ah li ka tok..
sleep until 5+ or 6+ then use com awhile prepare go ahma house celebrate mother's day
after eating went yonglin's house..
6:57 AM
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009
can some1 help me walk?
my both leg got blister,wth..
don't feel like goin sch-.-
7:22 AM
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Saturday, May 2, 2009
Having a bad flu -.-
damn shagg ah when woke up,finding myself having a bad flu...
keep on sneezing,dam irritating.
went back to sleep till around 8pm like that then wanted to go bl but no ppl so went timah find ahlong they all..
reached timah,watching them play number...keep on li siao each other,lol jokers..
played till 12+ bah i think then go eat cai fan..
Don't know the cai fan made of what de,i bought the food and drink for $8.
after eating then slack at there , talk talk , wait for navin to come..
he reached ler then some go make bike some go boon lay bah, i think..
cw fetched me home=))saved cab fare,haha
thanks bro..
should end here ler,ciao ciao.
8:51 PM
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Friday, May 1, 2009

went jp meet yongfu,zhiyong and yizhui then walk to weijing house there find him,fucking emo boy=)
then back to jp again to watch X-Men Origins:Wolverine.
12am show...
the show was quite nice,i like it =) 4.5stars given,
will be watching NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 2 and etc when the movie is out,anyone wanna accompany me?=))
after movie,slack awhile then cabbed home.
called that vernis then she asked me pei her walk home cause she scare,saw got ppl zhi sha-.-
was around 2+ or 3+ am bah forgt ler...
why girls so mafan,haha =x
then on the way to her house,she saw 1 cat then she feed her milkk...
then the cat keep on follow her,quite funny then she say the cat act cute keep on follow then like look at other place.
reach her house downstair ler,then the cat went missing o.o
after that i jiu walk home alone lo.
should end here ler bah,
2:05 PM
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Thursday, April 30, 2009
yonglin came my house slack and play dota...
teach this noob how to play-.-
then slack until night go down play basketball,lol
play until dam tired,went back to childhood sia we=D
after that we both jiu went home ler..
11:24 AM
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